Raja Yoga in the Himalayan Tradition • Meditation • Pranayama • Hatha • Subtle Body

Yellow lotus flowerJust in time for the newness of spring, the Sunday morning integrated practice is moving! Starting Sunday, April 5, we will meet at the warm and welcoming, gracious and grace-filled studio Yoga for Every Body, located at 2223 East 35th Street in Minneapolis, in the Corcoran neighborhood.

Time remains the same: 9:00 to 10:15 am.

See you there–and please reach out with any questions!



How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then to rest afterwards. ~ Spanish proverb

We won’t be gathering Sunday morning, March 29 at the OM collective. Do nothing, rest, and welcome the morning light of early spring. Also… please practice.

Finding Happiness

March 5th, 2015 | Posted by Jennifer in meditation | yoga - (0 Comments)

Love Yoga

And when one attains the essence of things and finds one’s Self–this is supreme happiness. ~Sri Anandamayi Ma

No Class Sunday, December 28

December 27th, 2014 | Posted by Jennifer in hatha | meditation | Uncategorized | yoga - (0 Comments)


“Peace is always beautiful.” ~Walt Whitman

No integrated class on Sunday, December 28, at the OM collective. We gather again on Sunday, January 4. Best wishes for a peace-filled New Year celebration.


What Is a Mantra?

December 21st, 2014 | Posted by Jennifer in mantra | meditation | mind | yoga - (0 Comments)

Vishnu riding Garuda

Because these syllabic combinations of sounds to meditate on come from the highest, deepest meditations as a great consciousness sending forth a wave, they are also the best vehicles for meditation because they lead you slowly, gradually, imperceptibly back inward to that level of consciousness. They are the homing pigeons of consciousness. So what is a mantra? … sounds received by the great yogis, great masters in their highest states of medition — their consciousness coming outward and becoming articulate. ~Swami Veda Bharati


Beyond Space and Time

December 14th, 2014 | Posted by Jennifer in meditation | mind | silence | stillness | yoga - (0 Comments)

SVB InfinityThe way is always open to us; we simply need to be still, deeply still–and to turn toward the source of silence within.

No Class November 30, 2014

November 29th, 2014 | Posted by Jennifer in meditation | practice | yoga - (0 Comments)


We will not meet for the integrated Yoga meditation practice on Sunday, November 30 at the OM collective. We will gather again on December 7.

Open the Window

November 15th, 2014 | Posted by Jennifer in meditation | practice | yoga - (0 Comments)

Krishnamurti quoteAs we practice, the conscious effort it takes to concentrate lessens, and we drop into a state of simple and pure awareness—of rest. It is for this that we open the window.

Can You Practice?

November 8th, 2014 | Posted by Jennifer in meditation | practice | yoga - (0 Comments)

Red leaf in bog

You are searching for enlightenment in the external world, but that is not the way. Are you prepared for the journey from the grossest to the subtlest aspect of your being? Are you competent enough to discipline yourself on all levels? Can you practice? Are you prepared to know life within and without? If you are, come along. ~Swami Rama, Samadhi: The Highest State of Wisdom

Pandit Hari Shankar Dabral

Pandit Hari Shankar Dabral. Photo from The Meditation Center.

This Saturday evening, one of my extremely gifted and experienced teachers, Pandit Hari Shankar Dabral from Calgary, will be in Minneapolis at The Meditation Center to lead a workshop on yoga pranayama. Come and learn the subtler aspects of kapalabhati, bhastrika, ujjai, and brahmari from a teacher in an authentic lineage. It will be a wonderful experience! Find out more at The Meditation Center.